Donate to reduce poverty - Bosa charity

Donate to reduce poverty

Your Donation Is A Powerful Catalyst!

You will be joining an effort that provides transformational change not just for today or for the near term, but for generations to come.

Often the people in society who are in need are the most overlooked. Society and governments aren’t set up to protect everyone who needs it. That’s why charities are here to fill the gaps and provide dedicated resources to help the most vulnerable.

Make a donation to help lift millions of vulnerable families out of poverty across the world.

One in five people across the world live in slums and substandard housing. Many are trapped in an exhausting cycle of poverty, with no clean water or sanitation and no place to call ‘home’.

Your donation helps us to reach out to them and build a brighter future. You will find here the best ways to make a donation, whether it’s giving online, by phone, as a gift or while you shop online.

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